Monday, December 8, 2008

Second Blog of the Night/Day??? Yup you aren't seeing things!

So I am still at work surfing the net. It's not that there isn't a lot going on in the County, its just that I can't discuss my work except in very vauge generalities on here. So, I have been noticing a lot of blogs on this site are SUPER creative people with A LOT of creative/artisitc ability. This has left me feeling a little bit lacking. And it makes me want to go out and take some more pictures of random things like I was doing when I was pregnant. I will have to take some of those photos out of my "non internet" computer and get them posted somewhere so I can share them too. I am very proud of my "crappy camera non professional" pictures of the world around me. So I think that somewhere inside me I wish I was a professional photog with a great camera. Though I doubt I would be better at that than I am at Dispatching. I personally think I am a GREAT dispatcher. I am not asking for anyone elses opinion on that as I don't want my spirit crushed while I am on such a high of good feelings. So to make me feel better I am going to place a few random pictures from the past months in this blog. So, enjoy, or don't's your choice! This photo is my favorite picture of Kevin and Barrett from early on in our relationship, I love the lighting!

This picture was taken at the Fair in Springfield, MO July 26, 2008, I love the sky and clouds and love pictures I get like this!
North Central Arkansas sky in Winter. I love the sky!

Another shot...this was February...or maybe March.

More Arkansas Sky

Lake Norfork early AM sunrise, very foggy, that is why its so blurry, that and my cheap camera!

Two Adorable Boys! Barrett (aka Bear) and Jacob

Ok I think that is all I will do for now.....more pictures to follow I am sure!!


April said...

love the pictures :-)

Tim Boyd said...

Well, Ditzy one, I will say without any reservation, you are a DAMN good dispatcher, and I enjoy working with you. The photography is an EXTRA!

Boobie Monster!