Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is this why I don't get a lot of Adult Interaction???

Ok, I am not saying I acted inappropriately, or anything like that, but I did have a great time at the Christmas Party for the Sheriffs Department.

I am not sure if it is that people need to be drunk to appreciate me or if I just get along better with drunk people but they seemed to tolerate me more Saturday night. It could just be me.

So you don't know these people, or maybe you do, but here are some pictures to show you its not just me and my family...other adults do interact with me....if that is alcohol readily available at least!

1 comment:

Tim Boyd said...

There is nothing wrong with drinking and having fun. At least I sure hope theres not. Now, I wouldn't say some of the other people were acting quite right, but then again that is to be expected isn;t it?