So, inspired by a few "March Mommy" friends I have decided to attempt to blog. I have attempted before with failed attempts and very little feedback, I assume this time will be earily similar but that has not stopped me. So to begin, me and my boys.
I am a messy, unorganized, hard working, procrastinating former single mom, newly living with my current beau who treats me like the most perfect and wonderful woman in the world. Clearly he is delusional and needs mental treatment but Hey so long as it's working in my favor I won't fight it! I work long hours at my job at 911 and I am the calm voice on the phone. Through it all, I am very fulfilled by my life and everything in it.
Boy #1: Ummm here is the rub, who do you place in boy #1 space...boyfriend....first born is a tough call. Though not a boy, very much a man I shall begin here with my partner. The first man I have truely felt was a partner in EVERY aspect of my life. Kevin is a wonderful man who is the most respectful of all my quirks and beliefs. Yup even the weird stuff that most men have deemed after dating me to be "the reason I will never have someone understand me"! He supports my Breastfeeding/Co-sleeping habits as I was led to believe even Biological dads were usually opposed to, much less dad's who didn't have to be! Also he has in everyway stepped in as father figure to my children, and relishes the role, and refers to both as his children. Downside to that....My baby looks like him! Which is OK but dog gone it it's MY DNA there not HIS!! He Looks Like ME! But I digress. He is also totally accepting of my spiritual beliefs. He understands and dare I say believes that I have interaction with "the other side" and even tries to understand what that means to me and my boys. He shares my same beliefs in God, Jesus, and the whole darn thing. He is the first to tell me to "Let Go, Let God" and I tend to do that easier with his support and company in my life. I have been truly blessed!
Boy #2: My eldest child, becoming the BANE of my exhistance. I love
him with every fiber in my being but LORD help me survive the TWEEN years! I shudder to think what he will put me through in the TEEN years! Xander is 11 years old, very bright and yet very troubling. I would say troubled but talking to him there is no trouble and yet he lies at every turn. Fails to complete anything as far as homework or chores assigned unless someone is watching over his shoulder the entire time and he has himself completely convinced that I (and now Kevin) am a complete idiot who can't tell that he has not washed his hair, brushed his teeth, or worse yet stayed up half the night playing on the computer rather than sleeping. I am too deaf to hear him sneak out of his room into the living room. I am obviously going to believe him over his teachers on whether he is passing classes and when caught in a lie he is clever enough to just shrug his shoulders and say "I don't know why ma'am". I am sure there will be more on this as this blogging unfolds!
Boy #3: My dear boyfriend is the proud father of a wonderful little boy named Jacob. I hope
that someday he will be a great friend to my youngest and he is a huge part of both our lives so he is being included. This order doesn't reflect him being more or less important to me than my boys, simply he is 1 yo thus younger than my oldest and older than my youngest. He is a wonderfully developing child who is walking like a pro and teaching my youngest the ropes of traveling in faster in different modes (he got him transitioned from army crawling to full on crawling in ONE visit) but is not nearly as agressive as my youngest....therefore I am afraid my youngest will be the "stronger" of the two as far as physically and finding trouble for them to get into, but you never know Jacob could be the quiet mastermind and let Bear be the "fall guy" or the one who takes care of the physical danger aspect of any plan. We shall see how this develops through the years but I have hopes that they will be very close. And that he will not see me "Miss Karla" as the evil woman responsible for his parents split (I was not but Kevin's Ex does tend to jump to faniciful imaginings of it being all because of me and I have heard stirrings of paternal questioning in the direction of my youngest....if that makes any sense!) but just as a good mom to my kids and someone who cares very much for him and his father and just wants both of them to be very very happy!
Boy #4: My Baby! Born February 23rd 2008 Mr. Barrett Nolan Kindrick is the light of my life!
Not that my other kids are not lights in their own right, he was the surprise I never expected and never knew I wanted. His smile lights up complete strangers. He is on the verge of walking, speaking too many words these days, and begining his stunt man dives off the couch and other furniture. Therefore he now sports constant bruises, and other injuries but he is healthy and whole and very well protected and loved.
Boy #2: My eldest child, becoming the BANE of my exhistance. I love
Boy #3: My dear boyfriend is the proud father of a wonderful little boy named Jacob. I hope
Boy #4: My Baby! Born February 23rd 2008 Mr. Barrett Nolan Kindrick is the light of my life!
feedback feedcab FEEDBACK!!! ;-) congrats on the new man in your life! good to see you're all doing well.
wow, i love that my second try says feedcab. yeh, whatever that is :-/
Thank you so much April! I love typos! I often times make up new words through typos like feedcab! Tee hee!
You da man...uhhh I mean woman!!
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