Friday, December 12, 2008

Did you see the moon?

Tonight was a great night to go out and look up in the sky! The moon is HUGE, and beautiful. I tried to take some extended exposure pictures and most turned out blurry but I got a couple I like. I am going to go out later tonight and take more when it is in a different position and I am sure even bigger!

I worked on catching up on my sleep today which was only possible because I have the best boyfriend ever! Kevin let me just stay in bed most of the day. I am sick so nothing too verbose or creative tonight.


randbwatkins said...

i love these pics!!

Tim Boyd said...

That is some awesome photography. All thats missing is a witch flying on a broom. Now that would be some cool shit! But of course, we'd probably have to smoke some "illegal" substance to see that, and then we'd lose our jobs, and go to jail, where we would not be able to see the moon anymore, and that would just be SAD!