Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 2009 Arkansas Ice Storm

We are safe, warm, alive, and thankful! The Ice Storm was very rough and our town, county, well norther part of our state looks like a tornado hit! These are some of my pictures from the storm. Pray for our friends and neighbors to get electricity back in less than the 2-3 weeks they are predicting! Thank God for our responders, officers, road crews, and other workers out there no matter the weather cleaning up and repairing and checking the welfare of our citizens! Oh wait these aren't so much storm pics as pictures of what I am so thankful for!I have some wonderful sons!And they are so handsome!!They are very lucky to be so cute, otherwise they would be in TROUBLE!! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Your pics look just like Kansas did 2 years ago at the Christmas/New Year's ice storm. We were visiting my parents and Brad said, "wow, this is basically the only way this state looks pretty!" :)

(from bradnleslie of WTE0308) :)

April said...

you make pretty babies :-)