Thursday, September 16, 2010

Glory Hallelujah I have been delivered!

Since my relocation to Texas (again) I have been
delivered from so much pain and anguish I can only say Praise God Almighty. Jesus saves in so many ways I am awe of his awesome power! I was still in a terrible place though I have re-devoted my life to my Lord and Father. I was trying to do under my own power what is in HIS power to do. Today I received a message loud and clear. It was to listen to the whisper of his Word and not try and adapt it to your situation. I have a great job at Wal-Mart my friends. I truly have GREAT days at work. My only concern has been child care. I have given it over to the Lord and struggled daily with who will watch my youngest and God has been trying to answer me but I kept pushing the answer away. He told me to quit. My friends I was sure he meant for me to quit my job! I was scared and unsure and not an obedient daughter as I should be. I prayed with all my might.
I asked for prayer. I searched and made calls and struggled mightily against the problem. Then, today I opened my mind to the answer. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I signed onto the website I had joined to try and find a sitter in the area and heard very faintly, take him to them. So I searched for sitters outside of my small radius I searched before. Many calls made, many voice mails left. I was sure it was just going to be like it had been for weeks now. Then there was an answer.
And I FELT God move for me! Not only did the lady on the other end answer her phone, say yes to everything and was willing to take him today, but she was also willing to work with me on the expense of her watching him!! Praise Jesus!!
Getting to the sitter was one trial after another. I couldn't get Barrett to cooperate. I struggled to get him dressed, get changes of clothes for him, get his hair done, get out the door only to realize 2 things left behind. Finally get him down to the car to find the car seat in the neighbors vehicle still. I am struggling MIGHTILY on my own. Stressed out and worn out before even beginning! I realize as I am ready to leave finally that Xander doesn't have a key to the apartment. Run and get it, give it to a neighbor, call the school to let him know while driving towards Lake Jackson. Then it hits me. I have NO MONEY.
No credit card. No Lone Star Card. No Drivers license. All of these things sit on the counter of my bathroom!!
I had to stop and get something to feed Bear on the way, even though we are running late because I fed him, but did not feed myself and I had to eat and therefore he had to eat. I had JUST enough money in change and pocket lint to get us taken care of on the road. (I remembered to say a prayer of thanks to my Lord Jesus Christ for that.) Then by some miracle (Truly) we made it to the sitters. She was WONDERFUL! I was
only 7 minutes late for work AND Bear settled in so quickly that he ignored me saying goodbye to him and refused my kiss. Only to catch me with my hand on the door as I was leaving demanding "give kiss momma MY kiss momma!"
I arrived at work with a smile on my face. It made my night to get a sweet kiss from my sweet boy and though I was worried about about being late, No one cared I was 7 minutes late. I did not need to worry about money or food either. I was blessed today with a full meal provided by Wal-Mart for us meeting Sales Goals for the quarter! Drink, Food, The whole deal. . God moves so swiftly to take care of us we rarely even notice Him doing it and we really need to recognize it more.
Then I went to pick up my little boy. He was crashed on the sitter's couch. Looking like and angel. My sitter gives me a card and a sheet from a coloring book that he colored. The card is the orange paper pictures next to the text here. It almost made me cry!
I am SO BLESSED!!! God you are Awesome! I know I talk a lot when I should be listening but THANK YOU for having more faith in me than I have in you at times. I know even when I take the wrong road and am drowning in despair You are there. Holding me. Waiting for me to let you take care ofeverything! I can't express how truly blessed I am. Praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!